We are two beekeepers, Ronni and Georges, passionate about our bees, pollination, nature and making high quality honey.
Nothing make us happier than seeing our bees thrive and contribute to pollination together with feedback from our customers.
We are mostly located on the peninsula Nesodden in the Oslo Fjord, but we also have a few locations outside of this area where we collect specific types of honey.
Where we sell our honey
Most of our honey is sold to the Norwegian Honey Co-Op and the local market. For the local market we also produce and sell beeswax candles.
Next to the local market, we are so lucky to have quite a few customers from France and the US. Our international customers prefer the Ling Heather Honey first of all, but also our Autumn Honey and Forest Honey are very popular.
We opened our international website, together with Facebook and Instagram accounts, during spring 2022. Until then our international sales took place on eBay and email.
Where our honey originates from
We produce all our honey ourselves. This is the only way we feel comfortable offering a quality product to our customers.
All our honey is harvested from apiaries either in the forest or at the edge of the forest. We do not have any apiaries in the proximity to heavy farmlands.
The last years we have been producing three different kinds of honey. It is the combination time of year and location that determines the outcome of the honey.
Please feel free to contact us at any time, either using the contact form or by sending us an email on mail@thenorwegianbeekeeper.com.